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  • Writer's pictureIvor M Bundell

I Went Shopping Yesterday

I went shopping yesterday, yesterday, yesterday

I went shopping yesterday

But only for essentials

Nobody kept two metres away, metres away, metres away

Nobody kept two metres away

When shopping for essentials

I told people to keep away, keep away, play away,

I told people to keep away

Or we’d all be dead in the morning

People stared as if I were mad, if I were mad, if I were mad

People stared as if I were mad

Not sure if they should believe me

Confused by the voice of irony, irony, irony

Confused by the voice of irony

They kept their distance from me

I won’t be going shopping today, shopping today, shopping today

I won’t be going shopping today

I’ve caught the Coronavirus

I haven’t got long to live they say, live they say, live they say

I haven’t got long to live they say

Because of Coronavirus

So burn my body in flame and fire, flame and fire, flame and fire

Burn my body in flame and fire

In the merry month of May

I went shopping yesterday, yesterday, yesterday

I went shopping yesterday


© IMB (May, 2020)

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